
Online Training and e-Coaching Tips

You Will Be Moved to Tears (Maybe)

February 2, 2015 10:25 by
Partially Unrolled Fern

Photo credit: Randy Robertson, published under CC

Accountants are stern people who keep their emotions in check, right? So why did they start stammering and shaking when they were shown something on a computer screen back in the 1980’s? Why did some of them even break down and cry when confronted with a piece of software?

Well, the piece of software would change their professional life forever. The software application was called Visicalc and it was the very first spreadsheet program ever. One of the inventors of Visicalc, Dan Bricklin, attended a business class where the professor was creating a financial model. In other words, he was writing numbers in rows and columns on a blackboard. When the professor found out he had made a rounding error, he had to recalculate all the other numbers in the row. And then he had to recalculate the totals in the columns too.

Bricklin realized he could create a computer program to do the same thing much easier and faster. And in doing so, he revolutionized the entire accounting industry. Accountants were now able to do the work of weeks of manual calculation in mere seconds. The implications were huge because accountants could picture a world with, well, no accountants left, only computers. Or, instead, they would picture a world where they take on more clients and concentrate on advising them better instead of just doing calculations. Of course, the latter is what has come to pass.

I am here to tell you that the training industry is very nearly in the same situation as the accounting industry in the 1980’s. So here’s a warning: you may start to cry (tears of joy, hopefully) sometime soon when you realize how your business is about to change forever.

3 Signs of A Landslide Change in The Training Industry

Full Scale Implementation of LMSs

No, a learning management system (or lms for short) is not a new technology. Many corporate training and development departments are already using an lms. But how many independent professional trainers do you know who use an lms? Actually, we’re seeing an sharp uptake in lms usage among precisely this group.


Photo credit: gbohne, published under CC

How will this change the training industry? An lms allows trainers to:

  • productize their training services, creating an independent source of revenue;
  • deliver more training in the same amount of time because you can offload the theory to the lms;
  • facilitate the holy grail of training and development: transfer of training, meaning that skills and knowledge acquired during the training can now be actively encouraged for use in the workplace.

In short, an lms can be, and is, used by trainers to increase their efficiency and revenue.

The Continued Globalization

Many economists believe in the concept of ‘creative destruction‘ (which can be summarized as ‘the old world must make way for the new’ happening very fast). The continued globalization accelerates creative destruction: if somebody else in an offshore country can do your job for less, you’re sure to be replaced.

This means employees must continually work on their skills and knowledge, to ensure they cannot easily be replaced – or, if they are replaced, to find a new source of income.

How does this impact the training industry? Well, who do you think is going to train these employees? Trainers of course!

The Digital World Meets The Real World

Have you seen Microsoft’s Hololens yet? At the time of writing, it hasn’t hit the stores yet, but the Hololens promises to blend the digital world with the real world. The Hololens is a headset that lets you see holograms: it projects computer images on top of real objects. As a trainer using Skype, you can also watch along with your trainees who are wearing a Hololens headset. And from your tablet or PC you can draw instructions that appear as holograms in their world, as Microsoft puts it. Their promo video illustrates the whole thing perfectly. I know, it’s a commercial.  But computer industry pundits are all raving about the concept. So it’s not just me and Microsoft calling this a great thing.

And by the way, it’s not just this product that’s very interesting. There’s also a virtual reality solution from Samsung, as well as Facebook’s Oculus Rift (also a virtual reality headset).

Fern Opening

Photo credit: Sean McMenemy, published under CC

How does this affect you as a trainer? I don’t even know where to start. Okay, here’s a shot: virtual reality will provide simulated environments for your training to take place in. Virtual reality also promises to morph abstract concepts – say, team communication patterns – into visible 3D objects you can position, move around and almost touch. Almost.

The most important thing is to think of these changes not as a threat, but a promise. Remember that even accountants were creative enough to survive their landslide change.

With an apology to all my accountant friends (and even an odd family member) for suggesting they might not be especially creative. I know some of you have found, and even exploited, great loopholes to help out with tax deductions.




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Are You Still Married to PowerPoint?

January 6, 2015 9:10 by
Fossil Sitting In Sun Light

Photo credit: A Guy Taking Pictures, published under CC

Telling a trainer to ditch PowerPoint is like telling a newly wed couple they should split up. Let’s hear what trainers have to say about PowerPoint, in a LinkedIn discussion from a a few months ago:

PPT is the lingua franca of corporate communication

It’s a trainer’s or speaker’s aid

I cannot imagine life without it

And yet there’s also no lack of loathing words:

 I always think about ‘Death by Powerpoint’

It looks like a case of “can’t live with or without you”.

But if you are so fond of supporting your training with ‘slides’, you should at least take a look at some of the alternatives for PowerPoint. Then you can make an informed decision whether you want to stay married to PowerPoint.


Homotelus bromidensis fossil trilobites

Photo Credit: James St. John, published under CC offers cloud storage and collaboration features. What does that mean? Well, all your presentations (Prezi doesn’t want to call them slides) are stored on Prezi’s computers. Or offline, if you choose to. In either case you don’t have to worry about making backups, that’s something Prezi’s taking care of. You can access your presentations – with a user account – through your browser and share them in much the same way: through a link.

Google Drive’s Presentation

Google Drive’s Presentation is completely free. It’s hosted for you by Google (think automated backups) and offers collaboration features (including sharing and comments) out of the box.

The share and comment options open up really interesting interactive possibilities, such as inviting your trainees to add comments on the spot or afterwards.

PowerPoint Online

tubular bells

Photo Credit: Mike Beauregard, published under CC

Yep, it’s still PowerPoint, but it’s online, meaning you can share and collaborate. This sounds like the ideal solution for all trainers who want to continue using good old PowerPoint, but in a new fashion.
And finally, a few wise parting words from one of the participants in the LinkedIn discussion.

PPT is just a tool. Can do much good, and much harm. Like any other tool, it needs to fit the task at hand



PowerPoint – a Learning aid or a barrier

Please note: this is a closed group (members only), which is also why I left out the names of the trainers mentioned above.

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Supercharge Your Training Evaluations

December 9, 2014 9:24 by

Photo Credit: John Fowler, published under CC.

What is your goal in the organization? Why do they hire you to train people? Ultimately, it is to further the goals of the organization. These goals can be very diverse, from making more profit (e.g. in a commercial enterprise) to better helping people in need (e.g. by providing humanitarian aid).

But how do you know your training really adds to the bottom line? You evaluate your training results against the aforementioned goals. With the rise of the world wide web and recently mobile internet, this has become a lot easier.

Not only do you now have fully automated testing tools to measure the effectiveness of training, but you can also use better tools for ‘transfer of training’. That is, you can test if your trainees are implementing the newly acquired skills and knowledge in the workplace. But before we get into that in more detail, let’s take a look at all the steps involved in supercharging your training evaluations.

  1. First of all, get to know the goals of the organization. If management, or the customer, is hesitating to share this information with you, ask them: How can I help further your goals by designing an effective training if I don’t know what you’re aiming for? Now is also the time for the organization’s line managers to establish the baseline to measure against: how is the organization currently doing, with regard to the goals?
  2. Translate the organization’s goals into employee competencies. What are the employees expected to know or do and what skills do they need for that? Consult the employees themselves as well. Ask the employees “What do you need to learn to do an even better job?” Use an automated questionnaire tool to gather the information, but elicit responses through open questions.
  3. Measure the gap between the required competencies and the current knowledge and skill levels. This entails developing measurements first, such as assessments, quizzes, and 360 degree feedback.
  4. Once you have established the norm and the current deviation of the norm (so to speak), you’re ready to design your training. Your training should strive to close the gap between the expected competencies and the current knowledge and skill levels. Keep in mind that, as a group, trainees may have varying degrees of competencies. So ideally your training should be adaptive in nature, catering to the individual needs of the trainee. Online training is perfect for this but may not be applicable for more practical, hands-on kinds of training.
  5. Perform the actual training. Start by referring back to the input the employees gave you when you asked them what they needed to learn. At the end of the training, use an automated questionnaire to evaluate the training.
  6. Evaluate learning and behavior. Did your trainees actually acquire new skills and knowledge? Are they employing their newly acquired competencies in the workplace?
  7. Evaluate the accomplishment of the organization’s goals. In step 1, you established the baseline. Some time after the training, ask the organization’s line managers if there’s a noticeable improvement. Is there a positive ROI for this training specifically? (ROI stands for Return on Investment).

Supercharging Evaluation Levels


Photo Credit: ed ouimette, published under CC.

Recognized Kirkpatrick’s 4 levels of evaluation in the list above? If you’re not familiar with his work on this topic: it’s a taxonomy of criteria (levels) for evaluating training. Here’s a quick overview of each level of evaluation:

  1. Reaction: how is the training received? Use a questionnaire to find out.
  2. Learning: what did the trainees learn? A thorough online test (‘quiz’) should answer this question.
  3. Behavior: are they employing their newly acquired skills and knowledge on the job?
  4. Results: does the organization meet its goals thanks to the training?

Levels 1 and 2

Levels 1 and 2 (reaction, learning) are traditionally the easiest evaluation levels. You can use paper and pencil or online tools to gather the data. A learning management system (lms) has the advantage of integrating the data with other options. For instance, if an online test (level 2 evaluation) shows a trainee’s skills  to be lacking, the lms may immediately offer additional online training to remediate the problem. Of course, if all of your trainees flunk the test, you should take a hard look at your training design first.

Level 3 Evaluation

Traditionally, level 3 evaluation (how is the training applied on the job?) takes place by simply having the line manager ask the employees: “You know that training you went to a few months ago? Are you applying it in your job and if so, give me an example.” Or, more formally, by doing assessments.

Here are a few additional ideas, made possible by the web and made easy by mobile devices:

  • Automated 360 degree feedback: send out notifications to other employees to fill out the online feedback forms for their coworker. The same goes for any other type of assessment: put it online, this makes it easier to process the data.
  • Online interactive training: put the theory behind the training online (this may not apply to practical hands on training). Have the trainees prepare the face-to-face sessions by inviting them online and pointing them to the documentation and interactive training. After the training keep recording usage of the online interactive training. This gives you some indication as to whether trainees are trying to actually implement the training on the job.
  • Online work related tools: provide tools to effectuate the desired change; measure usage of said tools. Take sales presentation as an example. To prepare trainees for a sales presentation, the trainer has created a checklist. As before, put this checklist online. Make it a readily available tool and keep track of who’s using it and how frequently.
  • Peer training facilitation: provide tools to disseminate information among coworkers: are your trainees spreading the word once they’re back on the job? Keep records to measure long term training success.

Level 4 Evaluation


Photo Credit: Ken, published under CC.

Level 4 is about evaluating the accomplishment of the organization’s goals. This is actually a job for line managers (or management in general), but part of it should be of interest to you as a trainer, too. Namely, is there a positive return on investment for the training specifically?

In addition, you should probably be aware of competency management software. This is a tool to keep track of employees’ competencies. Some learning management systems (lms) offer this option as well. It’s probably easier to correlate the success of an organization with the knowledge and skills of the employees with competency management software.


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