
Online Training and e-Coaching Tips

Going Corporate: How to Market Your Training Business to Large Companies & Corporations

November 3, 2014 9:00 by

Photo Credit: Christopher Michel, published under CC.

Working for a large company or corporation as an employee has certain benefits. The pay is good and there’s usually room to change jobs – without having to update your resume or going for a job search. Much the same goes for selling your training services to large companies and corporations. Once you’re in, you get paid decently and there’s always more work.

But how do you get in? How do you market your training business to large companies and corporations? Here are 5 tactics to get you started.

  1. Be Yourself, Don’t Pretend to Be Big
  2. Build Social Proof First
  3. Identify Decision Makers
  4. Don’t Do Freebies
  5. Accountability Is Extremely Important

Be Yourself (Don’t Pretend to Be Big)

If you’re a very small training company, you may be tempted to project a much bigger image, or simply to pretend you’re a big company. After all, this is very easy nowadays. Just create a very well designed, very professional looking website. Use a phone answering service. Say ‘we’ all the time instead of ‘I’.

But don’t fool yourself, if you actually start working with a customer, they will find out your company’s size at some point. Besides, if they ask you directly “How many employees does your company have?” – and some customers will ask you exactly that – what are you going to do? Lie about it?

Big corporations who are willing to cooperate with individual trainers or small training companies don’t care about a ‘big’ image. They’ve already weighed all the pros and cons. So, be upfront about it and put your picture on your website. Because by introducing a human element, you’re actually turning a self-perceived weakness into a strength. You’re not some large training company where the customer never knows who the trainer is going to be for the next training. Your customer will actually get to know you. They will even get to rely on you personally.

Build Social Proof And Authority First


Photo Credit: Drew Avery, published under CC.

To gain the trust of bigger customers, who have the financial means to pick any trainer in the world, you need to build social proof first. It’s very unlikely that any unknown trainer marching into a big office building is going to gain a new customer right then and there.

Of course, if you’re actually not unknown, e.g. you have previously worked for a big company as an employed trainer, that is great. Use that connection to get hired back as an independent trainer. That’s all the social proof you need if you start calling other big companies.

Otherwise, start small. It’s generally easier to get to talk to the right people in smaller companies. Go there first, do a few successful training sessions, then ask for references. Collect customer stories, work on a few case studies. Once you’ve got your act completely together you then present yourself to bigger companies, showing them the value that you can add.

Find an Intermediary

Can’t get your foot in the door? Consider working for training and consulting companies as a private contractor. Obviously you have to pick a training company that sends you out to a large company or corporation. Try to find out how the training company is able to land deals with corporations. If the training company is a small one, you may be able to copy (i.e. learn from) their marketing and sales tactics. If they’re a pretty big company themselves, though, you won’t learn much that’s relevant to you as a small contractor.

To be absolutely clear here: you’re doing this to gain experience in marketing and sales and to get your name out. But you cannot pick up customers from the intermediary training company. You’d have your name out for sure, but in a very, very bad way.

Establish Authority

To get your name out in a positive way, it helps tremendously to establish yourself as an authority in your field. You do this by speaking at conferences. Nowadays, you can also use social media like LinkedIn. If you know which LinkedIn groups your potential customers are visiting, get involved there. Contribute to discussions and then start interesting new discussions.

One very effective way to launch yourself as an authority is by writing a book. If your book is even slightly successful, you’ll find that previously closed corporate doors will now open. In fact, you may hit a point where people won’t call you any more because they’re assuming you’re too busy. (How ironic is that?)

Identify Decision Makers


Photo Credit: Christopher Michel, published under CC.

Based on your specialty, create a list of suitable corporate companies where you can add the most value. Visit their websites to see if they publish the names of decision makers. For training they might be hr managers. Maybe they are listed in the jobs section of the site, under ‘recruiting’ or ‘career’. If you’ve got a few names, it’s time to put on your private investigator hat. Try to find them online. See if they have published their email address anywhere. Maybe they’re visiting the same LinkedIn groups as you do.

Once you’ve got their contact data, send them a message (either through email or through LinkedIn) and try to get on the phone with them. At this stage, you must have your customer stories and case studies at hand.

Of course, both online and offline, the best introduction is one made by a mutual acquaintance. Ask you current customers if they know anybody else who would benefit from your training services.

Don’t Do Freebies

If you’re just starting out, especially if you’re younger, you’re guaranteed to encounter this situation. You call a decision maker in a corporation, let’s say a bank. And lo and behold, you’re actually invited for a meeting. You get there very well prepared and you have a nice conversation about the value you can add through your training. In other words: you both agree that your training solves a real problem. The hr manager smiles and nods.

Then you bring up the topic of compensation. Now the manager says: “We can’t pay you. You should be glad that you get to work for us, so you can get a reference from us. Being able to mention our brand name is a great opportunity for your career and your business.”

Don’t fall for this. Nor for any other requests for freebies. If they think your training adds value, they’ll be willing to pay for it too. Otherwise, why would they waste their employees’ time with your training?

Accountability Is Extremely Important


Photo Credit: McKay Savage, published under CC.

The people who are hiring you, presumably the ones you identified as decision makers, are taking a risk on you. Make sure that you don’t disappoint them. What’s more, provide them with evidence that you have added value for the company, that you have solved their problem.

Ideally, you start with a pre-test to measure current skills and knowledge. During the training sessions, keep accurate attendance records. After the training, test the trainees’ skills and knowledge again. If you don’t see enough of an improvement, try to pinpoint the problem and discuss it openly. This is something you should do for all types of customers, but corporate managers will want to see detailed reports from you (even if they don’t always actually read them). So, make sure that you can provide those reports.




Dirty Little Secret: Online Training Costs Way Too Much

October 1, 2014 9:09 by

Picture by tim, published under cc

Online training is often presented as a way to save costs on training. But as we are about to reveal, the costs behind producing and offering online training are staggering. Compared to ‘traditional’ training, you won’t save a dime. Here, we’ll uncover how you can save on the costs of online training. Hint: trainers don’t have to start from scratch.

We’ll even give you a link to a cost savings calculator, at the bottom of this article. Before we do that however, let’s get a grip on what online training is.

What Is Online Training Anyway?

Online training is training supported by online tools, or taking place through a website or a mobile application (you know, an app on your smartphone). Online training comes in two flavors:

  • Synchronous online training: trainees and trainer are present at the same time, just not in the same place (think of a video conference or a webinar).
  • Asynchronous online training: trainees and trainer only meet each other in an online discussion forum.

In asynchronous online training the trainer has more of guiding role in what is essentially a ‘self paced’ training. Trainees can take the training on their own time, e.g. from home.

Jannes Pockele

Picture by Jannes Pockele, published under cc

These flavors can also be mixed, of course. You could set a date for a video conference for instance, while adding the requirement that everybody complete an online test (quiz) first. Most online training platforms support setting such a requirement. The platform simply checks whether you’ve got your test completed before allowing you inside the video conference. By the way, an online training platform is usually called an LMS, which stands for learning management system.

Cost of Synchronous Online Training

Basically, the cost of synchronous online training is predictable and relatively cheap. You need video conferencing software, or webinar software, and that software is your main cost. A webinar is you talking live on video (presented through a website) while your trainees are listening and typing in comments or questions. To start with webinars or video conferencing, it’s probably cheaper to not own the actual software (and the required servers or internet computers) – unless you’re a really big company.

Instead, look at services such as GoToWebinar and WebinarJam which start at $468 and $497 a year, respectively (GoToWebinar has restrictions on the number of attendees and presenters, but also offers a monthly subscription of $49).

Picture by Natesh Ramasamy, published under cc.

Picture by Natesh Ramasamy, published under cc.

In addition to the software purchase, you need to factor in the costs of preparing the webinar just like any other ‘live’ (or face-to-face) training session. This does not deviate too much from your usual preparation time, for a training session. One estimate for an hour long Instructor-Led Training (ILT) comes down to 34 hours of preparation. Next, we present the cost components of an 8 hour synchronous online training session, e.g. a webinar, for 20 trainees and one trainer – as compared to ‘traditional’ training (which includes travel expenses, etc).

As a side note: an 8 hour webinar would be way too long, but this makes it easier to compare the costs with a traditional training session, which usually lasts 4 – 8 hours.

Cost Components: Synchronous Training & ‘Traditional’
A. Trainer Cost: Hourly Wage $50
B. Hours of Development & Preparation for One Hour of Training 34
C. Webinar Software Cost (simplified) $50
D. # Trainees 20
E. Trainees’ Hourly Wage $25
F. Lost Productivity / Trainee / Hour $50
G. Travel Expenses / Trainee (Rental Car & Airfare) $300
H. Overnight Stay / Trainee (Meals & Hotel) $150
I. Training Materials / Trainee (Handouts, Binders, etc) $20
J. Training Duration (Hours) 8

How does this all add up?

Costs of 8 Hours Synchronous Online Training
‘Traditional’ Synchronous
Trainer Cost: J x A $400 $400
Training Development Cost: J x B x A $13,600 $13,600
Cost of Lost Productivity: J x D x F $8000 $8000
Employees in Training: J x D x E $4000 $4000
Software N/A $50
Logistics: D x (G + H + I) = 20 x $470 $9400 N/A
Total: $35,400 $26,050

Great, you can save more than $9000 ($35,400 – $26,050 = $9,350) on traveling expenses and such, with the aid of synchronous online training. This means synchronous online training represents an actual saving compared to a ‘traditional’ training session. Now let’s take a look at the other flavor of online training.

Asynchronous Online Training Costs

With asynchronous online training, such as a self paced online training module, the upfront costs are much higher, but the delivery costs should be lower. As a matter of fact, if trainees can be persuaded to take the training on their own time, the delivery costs are practically zero. (If you’re a trainer and you’re worried about this, see the blog post Cut Your Training Session by Half to find out how you can use online training to your advantage).

Picture by Andrea Schaffer, published under cc.

Picture by Andrea Schaffer, published under cc.

In addition, online training materials can double as documentation, reference guides and check lists. There are even more benefits to this kind of online training, but for the cost estimation we’ll try to keep it simple and ignore these.

Cost Components: Asynchronous Training & ‘Traditional’
‘Traditional’ Asynchronous
A. Trainer Cost: Hourly Wage $50 $100
B. Hours of Development & Preparation for One Hour of Training 34 220
C. Software Cost / Trainee (simplified) N/A $5
D. # Trainees 20 20
E. Trainees’ Hourly Wage $25 $25
F. Lost Productivity / Trainee / Hour $50 $50
G. Travel Expenses / Trainee (Rental Car & Airfare) $300 N/A
H. Overnight Stay / Trainee (Meals & Hotel) $150 N/A
I. Training Materials / Trainee (handouts, binders, etc) $20 N/A
J. Training Duration (Hours) 8 8

In this table, the difference between the hourly rate for ‘traditional’ trainers and ‘asynchronous online trainers’ (i.e. instructional designers) is striking. And again, the difference between the development time for 1 hour of traditional training versus 1 hour of asynchronous online training is very significant.

Let’s run the numbers and what this means for the bottom line.

Costs of 8 Hours Asynchronous Online Training
‘Traditional’ Asynchronous
Trainer Cost: J x A $400 N/A
Training Development Cost: J x B x A $13,600 $176,000
Cost of Lost Productivity: J x D x F $8000 $8000
Employees in Training: J x D x E $4000 $4000
Software: C x D N/A $100
Logistics: D x (G + H + I) = 20 x $470 $9400 N/A
Total: $35,400 $188,100

Wait, isn’t online training supposed to save costs? Yes, and it does, provided that:

  • trainees take the online training on their own time;
  • you can spread out the development costs over a large number of trainees
  • the online training is used over a longer period of time (reused)

But what if you could drastically lower the costs of asynchronous online training? What if your online training would cost the same to develop as ‘traditional’ training?

Let The Trainers Run The Show

Picture by Jannes Pockele, published under cc.

Picture by Jannes Pockele, published under cc.

I believe that trainers are highly professional people, capable of developing their own online training. Let me rephrase that: I know this for a fact because I have seen them do it. So let the trainers take over the role of instructional designers, the folks who used to run the online training show.

I also know you don’t need an entire production team to shoot videos and create interactive activities. Nowadays, you should be able to produce 1 hour of online training using the same resources as when developing 1 hour of  traditional training. Just buy a decent camera, microphone and an lms subscription (learning management system – your online training platform) and you’ve covered most of the upfront production and delivery costs.

And finally, trainers also have the advantage that they don’t have to start from scratch, when developing online training. They already have their ‘traditional’ training materials. For instance, as a trainer, you can turn your powerpoints into videos with a voice-over. (You can do so much more with online training, but it’s a start).

This is how it looks in numbers when trainers create their own online training:

Cost Parity Between Asynchronous – & Traditional Training
‘Traditional’ Asynchronous
A. Trainer Cost: Hourly Wage $50 $50
B. Hours of Development & Preparation for One Hour of Training 34 34
C. Software Cost / Trainee (simplified) N/A $5
D. # Trainees 20 20
E. Trainees’ Hourly Wage $25 $25
F. Lost Productivity / Trainee / Hour $50 $50
G. Travel Expenses / Trainee (Rental Car & Airfare) $300 N/A
H. Overnight Stay / Trainee (Meals & Hotel) $150 N/A
I. Training Materials / Trainee (handouts, binders, etc) $20 N/A
J. Training Duration (Hours) 8 8

Alright, let’s see how this adds up.

Trainers Run The Online Training Show
‘Traditional’ Asynchronous
Trainer Cost: J x A $400 N/A
Training Development Cost: J x B x A $13,600 $13,600
Cost of Lost Productivity: J x D x F $8000 $8000
Employees in Training: J x D x E $4000 $4000
Software: C x D N/A $100
Logistics: D x (G + H + I) = 20 x $470 $9400 N/A
Total: $35,400 $25,700
Picture by Vinoth Chandar, published under cc.

Picture by Vinoth Chandar, published under cc.

This saves you almost $10,000. If employees take the online training on their own time, savings get even more spectacular: more than $21,000 ($35,400 − $13,700 = $21,700).

To summarize, online training can be a cost real saver if you keep development time to a minimum. Nowadays, you can do that by using high quality, yet affordable hardware (such as recent cameras and microphones) as well easy to use software, such as a learning management system (lms) which is specifically catered to trainers. Using these tools, you can take your existing training materials to create an engaging online training experience.


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Super Engaging Online Icebreaker, Created in under 10 Minutes

September 3, 2014 8:15 by

Learn how to create your own, highly engaging online icebreaker in under 10 minutes with this easy to follow step-by-step video.

Create the online icebreaker to better prepare and motivate your trainees for your training. Find out how to include a YouTube video on your own Google Sites webpage, add a discussion forum and invite trainees to leave their comments. This works especially well as an icebreaker because trainees get to know each other a little bit through the discussion forum before the training actually starts.

If you have to squint to make out the details, please use the Full Screen option in the video viewer. Also, make sure that you have selected 720p under the quality settings, because this is a HD video!

Links mentioned in this video:

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