
Online Training and e-Coaching Tips

5 Strategies to Explode Your Training Business

April 2, 2014 9:05 by

If you are an independent professional trainer with an established clientele, you are in grave danger. The danger is called complacency. Now, that word might have a connotation of “laziness”, but that’s not what I’m talking about. You probably work harder than most of your friends and relatives. And  you get to send all the invoices, sweet!

matterhornBut the thing is you could achieve even more if you left your local optimum. You see, you are standing on top of a hill. It provides a nice view of the scenery, but as long as you stay there, you will never reach that mountain peak that is on the horizon. To reach that mountain and scale it, keep reading. In this post I’ll share 5 strategies on how to explode your training business.

However, before we take a look at the 5 strategies, you need to recognize when you are at a local optimum. This may be sooner than you think, because nobody is able to deliver training 40 hours a week. You have to allocate time to acquiring new customers, doing the paperwork and actually preparing each new training. (more…)

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Will Online Training Destroy Face-to-Face Sessions?

March 4, 2014 9:10 by

Is online training poised to make face-to-face training sessions obsolete? To answer that question, let’s take a look at two types of online training first: synchronous and asynchronous online training.

Asynchronous Online Training

During an asynchronous online training, the trainee and the trainer are not necessarily present at the same time. How is that even possible? Simple: think correspondence studies. Of course, a training is usually more engaging. It’s hard to imagine a training taking place ‘by correspondence’.


However, modern technology is (much) more engaging than correspondence could ever be. As a trainer using asynchronous online training, you have the option to create:

  • Adaptive tests: if the trainee does really well, have them automatically skip to the end fast. If, on the other hand, the trainee scores pretty bad, provide additional explanations and test again.
  • Integrated videos: in between tests, show instructional videos. This works especially well for behavioral training.
  • Reinforcements of the training long after the fact: send out emails, text messages or even mini training videos, to improve transfer of training to the work floor. (more…)

5 Minutes Guide to Get Your Picture Next to Google Results

February 3, 2014 9:01 by

Do you want to increase the number of people who click through to your website by up to 150%? Follow this 5 minutes guide to get your picture next to Google search results for your online training site or company website. Let me show you what I mean:

Screenshot from 2013-12-23 17:49:59

On Google’s website, if somebody types in TrainerTops blog, or any other query which leads to this blog, my portrait shows up next to the search results. There’s at least one study that suggests this little gimmick improves click through rates by up to 150%. (more…)

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