3 Ways to Brand Your Online Training
If your trainees are enrolled in your online training, do they know it’s your training? Are they aware of your name and your brand? Providing an online training creates a great opportunity for spreading awareness of your brand.
The Importance of Branding
Here is why you should seize the opportunity to improve awareness of your brand. As your trainees are engaged in the online training, they are presumably in a receptive mood. They are ready to acquire new skills. While they are in a receptive mood, they will be more likely to remember your name and brand.
This is important whenever the need for a new training rises. While many employees do not spontaneously request new training, some do. It would be great if they requested your training. Of course, that will only happen if they can recall your brand.
Also, some of your trainees may one day lead their own division or company. As leaders, they will usually recognize the value of training. At that point, you want to be sure they remember your name. That’s where branding comes in. (more…)
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