
Online Training and e-Coaching Tips

5 Minutes Guide to Get Your Picture Next to Google Results

February 3, 2014 9:01 by

Do you want to increase the number of people who click through to your website by up to 150%? Follow this 5 minutes guide to get your picture next to Google search results for your online training site or company website. Let me show you what I mean:

Screenshot from 2013-12-23 17:49:59

On Google’s website, if somebody types in TrainerTops blog, or any other query which leads to this blog, my portrait shows up next to the search results. There’s at least one study that suggests this little gimmick improves click through rates by up to 150%. (more…)


Trainer, Kill Your Competition With a USP

January 2, 2014 9:09 by


Depiction of USP: White egg among brown eggs

How are you different from the others?

Your Unique Selling Proposition (or USP for short) is what makes you stand out from other trainers. Although USP contains the word selling,  it is really about the reason why your customers pick you instead of the competition. Ideally, your USP is a strength that only you possess: an unfair advantage, so to speak, that your competitors cannot overcome. From your customers’ point of view, it is the answer to the question “Why should I buy a training from you?”.

Suppose you are a business trainer specialized in establishing business relationships in China. You help out entrepreneurs who are looking to expand their businesses into China, or maybe off-shore their production there. For instance, you might be training them to recognize the importance of guanxi, or connections and relationships, in Chinese business.

Now, if you were a native speaker of Mandarin and all the other Chinese business relationship trainers only speak English, you would have an unfair advantage. You visit the country on a regular basis, read Chinese business papers and magazines and talk to lots of Chinese business people.  You are uniquely qualified to explain the nuances of Chinese business etiquette. All other things being equal, your customers are more likely to pick you instead of your competitors. As long as you clearly state your USP in your marketing materials, of course.

So how do you come up with your own Unique Selling Proposition? If you are at least moderately successful, you probably already have a USP even if you don’t know it. You just need to find out what it is. (more…)

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3 Ways to Brand Your Online Training

December 2, 2013 9:05 by

If your trainees are enrolled in your online training, do they know it’s your training? Are they aware of your name and your brand? Providing an online training creates a great opportunity for spreading awareness of your brand.

The Importance of Branding

Here is why you should seize the opportunity to improve awareness of your brand. As your trainees are engaged in the online training, they are presumably in a receptive mood. They are ready to acquire new skills. While they are in a receptive mood, they will be more likely to remember your name and brand.

This is important whenever the need for a new training rises. While many employees  do not spontaneously request new training, some do. It would be great if they requested your training. Of course, that will only happen if they can recall your brand.

Also, some of your trainees may one day lead their own division or company. As leaders, they will usually recognize the value of training. At that point, you want to be sure they remember your name. That’s where branding comes in. (more…)

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