Berichten van Onno Schuit
April 1, 2013 06:08
Published by Onno Schuit
How do you create your training programme in no time at all? Just buy the training materials and use them to compose your own online training sessions inside your learning management system. Every modern learning management system (lms) supports a universal standard for exchanging training materials: SCORM. Scorm stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, but […]
March 4, 2013 09:00
Published by Onno Schuit
Scheduling, planning and gathering trainees’ data is like taking out the garbage. You simply have no other option than to do it, or you will hear about it from your significant other. Or, your training sessions will run amok. Unfortunately, there are no solutions. There is no household robot yet which can stuff your trash […]
February 4, 2013 10:39
Published by Onno Schuit
Here’s a quick tip: turn your email signature into a marketing instrument by telling everybody exactly what you do. Let’s take a look at an example signature. Right after the closing text (“Kind Regards”, etc) this trainer starts marketing. The email signature not only contains the complete name and address of the trainer, but also a […]